Modules and particles display information in a specially formatted way on your website. There are modules and particles on your home page and used throughout your website.
Edit Home Page Particles in Base Outline
- Go to Components/Gantry 5 Themes and go to the Base Outline.
- In the Header section, click on the Icon Menu on the right. This controls the icons and links shown on your website header. Most likely you will not need to change anything, but you can edit the items here if necessary.
- In the Footer Section is the Simple Menu particle. This consists of what you feel are important links to have in the footer on every page. If you do not have pages for some of the links, delete them. Add any new page links that you may want here.
Edit Home Page Module Positions in Base Outline
- In the Footer section of the Base Outline, you will see a Social/Newsletter Module Position. Notice the icon for Module Position shown on this block and at the upper left. This indicates that modules will be shown in this position which is designated footer-b.
- To edit the modules in a module position, go to Extensions/Modules and use Search Tools to search for position footer-b.
- You will see two modules, the first being Social. Click on this module title and then Edit Particle. This is actually a particle within a module.
- You will see the four Social Items. Each can be edited to add the proper url for your organization or they can be deleted.
- If for some reason, you did not want this module shown, you could change the module status to Unpublished and Save.
- We suggest that you do not delete modules in your premade website, but simply unpublish them if you don't want to use them now. In the future you could simply publish them again.
- The Newsletter particle in the other module is for people to sign up for a Mail Chimp email newsletter from your organization. Follow the directions to create an account and set up the subscription form. If you're not ready to use this, unpublish the Newsletter module.
- You have now completed the basic set up of your Base Outline and understand how to edit modules and particles.