Edit/Add Article Text
- Go to Content/Articles and click on the article you want to edit or click the Add New Article link to start a new article. It is helpful to place new articles into a category consistent with the menu system already set up.
- In your premade website, the text will probably be Lorem Ipsum text to be replaced.
- You can delete the filler text and begin typing in your new text or paste in text from another document.
- If you paste in text with Ctrl-V, simple formatting will be retained. If you use the Paste as Text button, all formatting will be removed.
- Text can be formatted as headings by selecting and using the left dropdown. Ordered lists and unordered lists are also good ways to format text.
- Options that lead to unprofessional pages such as different fonts, colored text, highlighted text, font sizes other than headings. are not available in the editor. The editor options contain everything you need to create professional and consistent content, even with different editors.
- The Read More button inserts a Read More break which separates the Intro text from the Full text. The Intro text is useful in various blog layouts as an introduction which can be clicked through to the full text.
- The blue Preview button gives an accurate preview of exactly how the article will look when published.
- For more information on article options, click the Help button at the upper right.
Edit/Add Article Images
- For today's responsive websites, it works best for articles to have an initial image that spans the entire width of the article on a desktop.
- The best way to put this image into your article that will work with your premade website is to click on the Images and Links link at the top of the editor.
- Click Select for the Intro Image and you will see the various CMS folders that hold images. We encourage you to put all your images into these folders and create subfolders to further organize your images.
- If your image is on your computer, browse to the folder you want your image uploaded into and click Upload.
- Browse to your image and click open. The image Options now give you the opportunity to resize your image, which you should do unless it is already resized.
- 1200 px width is appropriate for images that span an entire article with no sidebar.
- 800 px width is appropriate for images that span an article with sidebar.
- Only have one resize row shown or you will get an image produced for each size shown.
- Click upload and your image will be resized and uploaded into its folder.
- Back in the Images and Links tab, copy the url address from the Intro Image box and paste it into the Full Article Image box. Then save the article.
- You will not see the image within the article text, but when you click the blue Preview button, you will see how the image will look.
- If you wish to put other images within the article you can add them into the article by clicking the image button which has the same dialog as before.