Ministry Team Modules
- The Ministry Team or Staff page is populated by using Ministry Team modules in the Extensions/Modules section. Each position has two modules, for example, Ministry Team A and Ministry Team Icons A, which would be in position mainbar-a. Each module contains a Gantry 5 particle which can be easily edited. If you do not want any icons to appear, just unpublish the appropriate Icons module.
- Upload staff picture images into the particles folder named appropriately and sized 400x300px. The upload image dialog within the particles do not allow you to resize and/or crop the images. You may use an external website to edit your images (such as or upload through the article *Image Upload to the particles folder.
- Four positions are published in your premade site. If you don't have that many, just unpublish the modules you don't need.
- If you need more than four staff positions, duplicate the number of modules you need. The second row of staff modules should have positions mainbar-2a, mainbar-2b, mainbar-2c, mainbar-2d.
Ministry Team Outline
- If you need more than 8 staff positions, you will need to add the module positions in Components/G5 Themes with upper left outline *Ministry Team selected.
- If desired, you could adjust the module positions to have, for example, 3 positions in a row in this outline This would mean that the staff image would need to be larger.